food prices in Poland
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Food prices in Poland [2024]

This evaluation of food prices in Poland follows on naturally from Finding Poland’s post on the cost of living in Poland.

To gain an overview of current grocery prices in Poland, I visited my local supermarket, Carrefour. It’s located in Galeria Morena shopping centre.

I will compare prices observed on August 1, 2024, with prices recorded for the two previous versions (early December, 2023 and April, 2024).


A General Overview of the Prices of Staple Goods in Poland

Before analysing the prices of certain foods within specific food groups, here’s an overview of the price of mostly staple goods which I recorded in Carrefour in early December 2023, April 2024 and on August 1, 2024:

A comparison of food prices in Poland


* Where possible, I observe prices for Carrefour’s own products (Carrefour Classic and Targ


Food prices in Poland – An upward trajectory in 2024 after stabilisation in the last quarter of 2023

The table above indicates that food prices in Poland are on an upward trajectory in 2024, despite prices stabilising in the last quarter of 2023.

The stabilisation of prices of staple goods was a trend in Poland in 2023. With regard to the prices of 16 products I tracked both in February 2023 and early September 2023, there were only two products with significant price increases. Those were for Krakowska Sucha ham and Activia natural yoghurt. 

Moving into 2024, I’ve noticed some hefty prices increases when it comes to flour, bread, meat and certain dairy products. My observations also concern many other products which belong to the various food types which I haven’t included in the table above. 


Taking a closer look at the prices of various food groups in Poland

Now that I’ve dealt with food prices in Poland in a general sense, let me give my views pertaining to food prices of various foods within the main food groups.

Dairy products

Like in every country I suppose, the price of dairy products in Poland soared in the early part of 2023.

When it comes to eggs, it’s a matter of debate as to how to separate a ‘normal’ egg from a bio/eco/free range egg. The only genuine ‘organic’ eggs I know of are laid in a chicken pen in my parents-in-law’s garden.

However, even if these eco/bio/free range eggs are the real deal, I think it’s bordering on criminal to even attempt to charge consumers around 15 zł for ten eggs. Fortunately, prices of eggs started to come down in the summer of 2023. Moving into 2024, the price of regular Carrefour classic free range eggs has increased slightly. However, the price of Carrefour Bio eggs has decreased by a little over 2%.

The price of cheese slices is out of control. For instance, it costs 7,99 zł for 150 grams of Sierpc Ser Królewski cheese slices. 


In January 2023, I recorded a price of 9,00 zł for 450 grams of mixed pork and beef mincemeat. A month later, the price was 11,99 zł. The price was the same in early September 2023. Not only did a price rise occur in early 2023, the weight of Carrefour’s own branded mixed pork and beef mincemeat was also cut from 450 to 400 grams. 

As we approach the final two quarters of  2024, it is likely that the price of mixed pork/beef mincemeat will rise until the end of the year.


Of course, the price of fish hasn’t escaped the impact of gree__, sorry inflation.

For a kilo of skinless cod, it cost 7.99 zł per 100 grams in February 2023. 

In September 2023, I was mildly surprised when I saw that the price of cod had fallen around 19% from its February level. Then, the price went back up to 7,99 per 100 grams towards the end of 2023. The price of cod dropped again by 13.39% in the period from December 2023 to April 2024. No change in price was recorded between April 2024 and August 1, 2024.

I must admit that I’ve always been fond of toasted sandwiches with smoked salmon slices. Indeed, I used to buy salmon slices marinated with dill when they cost around 8 zł. However, the price of these salmon slices has shot up by around 80%.


I like certain stone fruits, such as mangoes. Pomegranates are another favourite of mine. However, fruit varieties such as those are really expensive in Poland. For instance, it currently costs 9,99 zł for a large mango in Carrefour.

What about that wonder, the avocado? Judging by the price of an avocado in Carrefour – up to 8 zł – it’s definitely a luxury item in Poland. However, Carrefour often has a special offer on a certain variety of avocado for 3,99 zł. 


Food prices in Poland

Food prices in Poland went through the roof in early 2023. Even though food prices almost completely stabilised in the second half of 2023, food price rises are on upward spiral again as we approach the autumn of 2024 .

What next? 10 zł for a loaf of white bread?

These must be worrying times for many families in Poland.


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