Contact & Cooperation


If you would like to establish some form of cooperation, have an idea for a future post, think that some changes could be made to the website, or if you just want to stay in touch with me… just let me know!

I read and reply to ALL messages from those who reach out to me:


Calling all commercial establishments offering lodging, entrepreneurs, small businesses and educational institutions. I am eager to hear your proposals for cooperation.

Every post I publish is in the English language.

If you are interested in cooperating, send me an email directly to: and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Some Stats About My Blog

As of August 26, 2023, around 15,000 unique users have visited my blog since February 2023 (the month we migrated to Google Analytics 4). Page views stand at around 24,000 since February 2023. I expect to hit 10,000 page views per month by May 2024. 

The majority of visitors are from Poland, the USA and the UK, with a healthy smattering of users from Sweden, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway and Ireland.

Check out these stats:

Why should you cooperate with Finding Poland?

  • My competitors don’t seem to be dedicated to writing lengthy blog posts. Long-form content is very Google-friendly! When I sit down to write, I focus on quality and quantity, always being careful to remember all of the SEO tricks I’ve learned at the same time
  • For one reason or another, many authors of other top sites and blogs related to Poland seem to be publishing less and less posts as the months go by. I’m genuinely in this for the long run. There is a strong chance that Finding Poland will become the leading information site about Poland in the English language
  • As well as reaching out to visitors to, we can also promote you or your product on Finding Poland’s Facebook page


If you would like to establish some form of cooperation, have an idea for a future post, think that some changes could be made to the website, or if you just want to stay in touch with me… just let me know!

I read and reply to ALL messages from those who reach out to me: