I realise that you can go straight to Numbeo to check out the average living cost in Poland.
However, I thought it’d be helpful to share some information about the cost of living in my city – Gdańsk – and compare my findings with those on numbeo.com.
According to Numbeo, Gdańsk has the fourth highest cost of living index in Poland (as of August 6, 2024):

The fact that Gdańsk is ranked in fourth place is quite surprising because Gdańsk and Warsaw tended to have the highest cost of living indexes in the years 2020-2022.
How are the cost of living indices calculated on Numbeo?
All of the cost of living indices on numbeo are relative to New York City. Therefore, indices for New York City stand at 100%.
In the table in the previous section, Gdańsk has a rent index of 17.3. This means that, on average, rents in Gdańsk are around 83% less expensive than in New York City.
The main cost of living index is a relative indicator of consumer goods prices, including groceries, restaurants, transportation and utilities.
The cost of living index in Poland
I’ve never considered Poland to be an expensive country to live in. Indeed, I’ve even written about what is cheap in Poland compared with other EU countries, Serbia (where I lived for four years) and the UK.
Numbeo confirms that, after the mid-year indexes for 2024 were compiled, Poland is now 59th in the world regarding the cost of living index. In stark contrast, Poland was in 74th position during the first half of 2024.

The second column of figures represents the rent index.
I’ll now break down the cost of living index in Gdańsk, analysing areas as diverse as apartment prices, average rents per month, eating out, supermarket shopping, transportation, monthly utilities and private healthcare.
I’ll refer to some of my own experience rather than solely relying on average cost of living figures on Numbeo.
Finally, I’ll compare the cost of living in Gdańsk with average living costs in Kraków.
Real estate in Poland
Are you planning to purchase an apartment in Poland and settle down here?
Perhaps you’re an expat who’s been offered a job and you’re looking to rent an apartment in Poland?
Let’s check out the current state of play on the property market in Gdańsk.
Purchasing real estate in Gdańsk
As of December 2024, it’s my impression that it’s getting more and more difficult to buy a flat constructed after the year 2014 in Gdańsk for less than 14,000 zl per square metre. This is particularly true for flats under 60 m2. Anything under this price tends to be located more on the outskirts of the city in districts such as Jasień or Orunia Górna. Jasień is not a bad place to live in at all. It seems to be very family-oriented, green and peaceful.
I’ve just run a search on Poland’s leading property portal otodom for properties in Gdańsk which cost between 9,000 zl and 12,000 zl per square metre. I set the earliest year of construction to 2014 and latest year of construction to 2023.
The search returned only 149 results.
For less than 10,000 zl, it’s possible to buy an old flat or a flat from a developer with construction still in progress. However, this only applies to those districts further away from the Main Town and Wrzeszcz.
The fact remains that property prices in Gdańsk have gone berserk.
According to current market trends, I believe that the price of my flat, which I bought in April 2019, has increased by around 4,500 zł per square metre.
Comparing real estate prices in Gdańsk and Kraków
Just so you can compare the situation in Gdańsk with another major Polish city, this is the current state of play regarding property prices both in and outside the city centre in Kraków and Gdańsk:

Comparing rental prices in Gdańsk and Kraków
When it comes to renting out an apartment, you’ll have to be prepared to pay around 2,600 zł for a one-bedroom flat in Gdańsk that’s not right on the outskirts of the city or in an old communist block of flats.
Anyway, this is the current situation in Kraków and Gdańsk when it comes to renting:

Monthly utility bills
That old friend – czynsz administracyjny
I have previously written about the communal fees you have to pay as a landlord or tenant.
Called czynsz administracyjny, the communal fees bill covers such wonders as electricity (inside buildings), the renovation fund, waste disposal, lift maintenance, cold water and canalisation and the maintenance of green spaces.
Back in April 2019, I was quite surprised when the previous owner showed me one of the czynsz administracyjny bills. I had expected the monthly total to be around 650-700PLN. In fact, the total with two parking spaces and storage unit (komórka lokatorska) in the underground garage was around 540 zl.
Now, some five years down the line, I pay 889 zł as well as an additional 249 zł for maintenance costs related to the garage hall. 1,138 zł a month in total.
It’s also worth mentioning that water and heating rates tend to be set at an average rate by property management companies. However, if you consume more than these average rates, you’ll have to pay extra.
Internet deals in Poland
It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to have high-speed fibre-optic Internet in Poland.
I’m with Play (previously UPC) and pay 62.99 zl a month for a speed of up to 950 Mb/s.
Frankly, I don’t know what a megabyte is, but the number looks pretty high.
My current package does not come with any Polish TV channels.
My electricity bill arrives every two months.
My bill for the period from 26 September, 2024, to 25 November, 2024, amounted to 367,88 zł for 308 kWh of electricity use.
My wife and I were absent during that period for around eight days.
Grocery shopping in Poland
Food prices in supermarkets in Poland are comparable to prices in other EU countries.
Here are the average prices of typical staple goods in markets in Kraków and Gdańsk:

In recent years, I have also kept tabs on prices of certain food and drink items at a supermarket in Gdańsk. You may compare the prices I’ve recorded on three separate occasions, with the most recent price checks occurring on December 23, 2024:

I do like eating citrus fruits, and certain stone fruits, such as mangoes. However, many of these fruit varieties are really expensive in Poland.
Finally, there are certain products, such as avocados, which are very dear in Poland. I think your Average Joe could only afford to buy them a few times per month.
Restaurants and cafes in Polish cities
In general, it’s not expensive to eat out and have a coffee in Poland.
If you wish to go to a reputable pizza restaurant, indulge yourself in Polish cuisine or visit a pierogarnia (dumpling restaurant) two or three times a month, your wallet won’t take a hit.

One of my favourite places to eat out in Gdańsk is the dumpling restaurant Pierogarnia Mandu.
Mandu’s menu confirms that you can eat out well in Gdańsk for around 35 zl (€8).
In the summer of 2024, my wife and I went to a wonderful restaurant in Łódź for three consecutive days during our visit there. The restaurant is called Cud Miód Fabryczna and it serves tasty meat-based main meals for around 60 zł and burger sets for as little as 45,99 zł.
Car ownership and public transport in major Polish cities
In major Polish cities, it’s not expensive to buy a monthly pass to travel on public transport.
This is the current situation in Gdańsk:

Since April 3, 2023, it has cost 117 zł for a monthly pass valid on all days of the week. A monthly ticket enables one to travel on regular, fast and night bus and tram routes within Gdańsk city limits.
I’ve just taken a look at the price per thirty-day period in other major Polish cities, namely Warsaw, Kraków, Łódź, Poznań and Wrocław. Gdańsk is among the cheapest cities when it comes to monthly travel. Remarkably, public transport in Warsaw is cheaper than in any other city.
I don’t hesitate to pay the 117 zł for a monthly pass in Gdańsk. It’s a lot less hassle to take a tram into town than it is to sit in traffic jams and drive around looking for a parking spot.
When it comes to driving a car, a litre of petrol in Gdańsk costs around 6.20 zł. Diesel costs roughly the same price as petrol as of December 23, 2024.
As for comprehensive car insurance, it costs around 200 zł a month for a policy with basic variants.
Overall, I believe that the average living cost in Poland becomes much lower if you’re prepared to use public transport on a regular basis.
My wife and I currently have access to public medical services offered by the National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia; NFZ).
Nevertheless, I have some experience with searching for prices for private healthcare packages.
Back in 2020, I was in contact with an agent working for Medicover.
The package he was determinedly trying to flog me for several weeks was Elite +. The Elite Plus package offers comprehensive outpatient care, unlimited home visits, hospital treatment and medical care overseas.
The price I was quoted for my wife and me – 653 zl per month.
I don’t doubt that the package is “fully comprehensive”, but I can’t afford that sort of money.
So, my wife and I rely on emergency treatment provided by the NFZ. Moreover, we visit private specialists when we need to. Most specialists in Gdańsk charge around 150-200 zl for a consultation, which is very reasonable.
My wife and I don’t hang out in medical clinics all that much. However, we may look into purchasing a cheaper basic medical package one day which provides assistance in emergency situations, outpatient procedures and consultations with doctors.
The screenshot below summarises Medicover’s Standard + package, with the annual fee for two adults – quite fair I believe:

Salaries and adding things up
Let’s just recap. Our imaginary couple are renting out a 45m2 flat in a newly-built block of flats in Gdańsk. They are childless, mostly rely on public transport but still run a car.
I will now add things up so you can get a better sense of the average living cost in a major Polish city:
- Rent – 2900 zł
- Communal fees, electricity and Internet – 875 zł
- Groceries – 1400 zł
- Restaurants and cafes – 280 zł
- Monthly transportation tickets – 234 zł
- Petrol and car insurance – 480 zł
- Basic private healthcare package – 215 zł (for two)
TOTAL = 6384 zł
Of course, you would need to add the cost of cosmetics and other leisure activities to the above.
According to numbeo, the average monthly net salary (after tax) in Gdańsk is 6,445 zl.
Therefore, I may conclude that most couples (with or without children) might struggle to keep up with the average living cost in major Polish cities if only one person works.