Why work with an expat blogger or travel blogger?

Working with travel and expat bloggers has become an indispensable component of any marketing strategy. That’s because such bloggers are in the position to reach wider audiences due to their content, which helps boost brand recognition and builds trust with potential clients.

Using a blogger’s platform to promote your business through valuable content is something worth adding to your marketing strategy. This is because it exposes your company to a new audience, while also showing it in a positive light because it’s presented by a source that the audience already trusts.

Whether they are sponsored posts, product reviews or personal musings, bloggers dedicate themselves to creating evergreen content. This content, which should ideally be updated on a regular basis, remains alive for years to come. Finding Poland ticks all the boxes when it comes to producing amazing content that’s periodically updated.


About Finding Poland and its Founder

Finding Poland is a blog founded in 2019 by Steve Krajewski. This British man with Polish roots first set foot in Poland in the hot summer of 2005. Steve was invited to Poland by a Polish exchange student called Paweł who he met at university in Nottingham. Amazingly, they’d only been speaking with each other for an hour before Paweł asked Steve to travel with him by coach from Nottingham to the south of Poland.

Since 2005, Steve has visited a good many towns, cities, coastal resorts, places of historical interest and natural beauty spots in Poland. His thirst for exploration and knowledge about this country knows no bounds. Steve has also been to the USA and 25 other European countries.

Finding Poland is dedicated to both foreigners and Polish people either living in Poland or visiting Poland. Steve has taken it upon himself to provide up-to-date information about formalities related to settling in Poland. Whether it’s obtaining a residence permit, getting your Polish citizenship by descent confirmed or buying a flat in Poland, then Steve has got you covered with all the facts and a detailed account of his personal experiences.

Finding Poland has a loyal group of readers, primarily from Poland, the USA, the UK, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, Ireland and Scandinavia. Steve is also the co-founder of the Youtube channels Poland Walking Experiences and In an Ideal World.



Between February 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, around 99,000 users visited Finding Poland (February 2023 was the month we migrated to Google Analytics 4). Finding Poland is clearly in a good moment. I gained over 10,000 pageviews for the first time in the month of April 2024. Now take a look at what happened in the month of July 2024:

JULY 2024

Monthly Pageviews: 23,614
Users: 16,139
Top countries (1-10): Poland, UK, USA, Sweden, Germany, Czechia, Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Denmark
Facebook Page Followers: 2,750
Newsletter subscribers: 1.000+


Goals for the second half of 2024

  • Reach 25,000 page views per month by December 2024
  • Grow number of Facebook followers to 3,500
  • Grow Finding Poland on Instagram and Pinterest


Why should you cooperate with Finding Poland over other Poland expat/travel blogs?

  • Our competitors don’t seem to be dedicated to writing lengthy blog posts. Long-form content is very Google-friendly! When I sit down to write, I focus on quality and quantity, always being careful to remember all of the SEO tricks I’ve learned at the same time
  • For one reason or another, many authors of other top sites and blogs related to Poland seem to be publishing less and less posts as the months go by. I am genuinely in this for the long run. Over the next five years, there is a strong chance that Finding Poland will become the leading information site about Poland in the English language
  • As well as reaching out to visitors to findingpoland.com, I can also promote you or your product on Finding Poland’s Facebook page

Contact Steve now: steve@findingpoland.com


What can you expect from me as a writer?

  • A prodigious writer and speller even from childhood, I’ve always had the writing bug. I put my heart and soul into every post I write. Check out my post about why I like writing so much
  • I have the weight of experience behind me as a blogger. I’ve written around 250 blog posts for both Finding Poland and English Coach Online. That’s a staggering 500,000 words
  • I do not shy away from writing long-form content (over 1,200 words if necessary)
  • I follow SEO best practices, always striving to include long-tail keyword phrases in the title and the target keyword or keyword phrase in strategic places within a post (keyphrase density). My meta descriptions are indisputably click-worthy
  • Original copy. Any paraphrased research is cited
  • Use of the active voice as opposed to the passive voice
  • Short paragraphs and sentences where possible
  • Regularly updated posts to ensure only the freshest information is available to readers


Who may benefit from collaboration with Finding Poland?

If you’re looking to get your business, project, social media page, YouTube channel and so on in front of a loyal readership, I am eager to hear your proposals for cooperation.

The following may benefit from partnering with Finding Poland:

  • Small travel-related businesses

  • Expat entrepreneurs

  • YouTube travel vloggers

  • Bloggers 

  • Artists and creatives

  • Immigration and citizenship lawyers

  • Hotels/hostels/other accommodation facilities

  • Restaurants/cafes

  • Travel book publishers

  • Tour companies/tour guides

  • Real estate agencies/consultants

  • Tourism boards

  • Genealogists

  • Organisations which promote cultural activities

  • Work agencies

  • Travel app creators


Partnership Opportunities

I am available for sponsored media trips (destination coverage), partnerships, reviews and sponsorships. I can introduce your brand to my readers and followers before, during and after the experience through Finding Poland and social channels. You can rest assured that people who are genuinely interested in travelling will get to know about your brand.


Proposal for Cooperation

Cooperating with Finding Poland can take a variety of forms. The following is an example of a cooperation package I’ve offered to startups and companies:

1. Product / project / service / brand review

In the first instance, I propose to review your brand, project, service, product or whatever else it may be.

The minimum length of a review is 1200 words.

2. Interview with founder or creator

In addition to writing a review, I propose to interview the founder or a  senior authority connected with the target brand/product etc. For SEO purposes, I prefer to transcribe all interviews. I strive to include as many insightful images as possible in blog posts.

3. Social media shares over a three-year period

In addition to sharing the review and interview on social media straight after publishing, I propose to reshare the review and interview at six-month intervals over a period of three years. The descriptions for these posts, for example, on Facebook, would be worded differently.


Case Studies

1. Your Roots in Poland

Your Roots in Poland is a genealogy company based in Kraków. Its professional team of genealogists was created to take those interested in their Polish roots on a unique, genealogical journey into the past of their Polish family. 

So far, my work with Your Roots in Poland has mainly focused on the confirmation of one’s Polish citizenship through descent. I have interviewed Polish Citizenship Specialist, Michał Petrus, on three occasions. Topics discussed:

  • Documents which prove Polish citizenship through ancestry
  • Polish citizenship through Jewish ancestry
  • Polish citizenship for British citizens of Polish descent
Results of cooperation:
  • Significant increase in the number of enquiries regarding Polish citizenship 
  • Page views (April 2024): 579
Example of work:

Documents which prove Polish citizenship through ancestry – with Michał Petrus


2. Kuperard Publishers & Distributors/ Culture Smart! guides

In the autumn of 2023, I was contacted by Jessica Stone, Publishing Assistant at Kuperard Publishers & Distributors. Jessica wanted to collaborate with Finding Poland in order to promote the company’s Culture Smart! guide for Poland.

My proposal to Jessica was to review the book and to interview one of the co-authors. Gregory Allen volunteered to speak with me. 

Examples of work:

Poland – Culture Smart! – A must-read book before visiting Poland

Living as an Expat in Poland – with Gregory Allen


3. Societates Civis Pty Ltd / CitizenPL App

At the end of August, 2023, Nik Kraljević, founder of startup Societates Civis, got in touch with me to promote his app – CitizenPL.

CitizenPL makes obtaining Polish Citizenship cheaper and easier for its users for free. 

Users are required to simply sign up, answer the eligibility questionnaire and weigh up the options regarding how to proceed with an application for Polish citizenship. 

CitizenPL connects users with experts in the field of Polish citizenship so that they don’t have to handle any daunting paperwork and bureaucracy.

As with my cooperation with Kuperard Publishers, I reviewed Nik’s app and also interviewed him.

Examples of work:

CitizenPL App – Making it easier to get Polish Citizenship

CitizenPL app – Claim Polish Citizenship – With Nik Kraljević




Finding Poland occasionally accepts guest posts, but ONLY from fellow travel bloggers and journalists.

If you represent a brand, product, hotel, SEO marketing agency, or any other for-profit business, there’s no guest post option for you. You may, nevertheless, pitch me a sponsored post.


I insist on preparing all posts. This is because I’d like Finding Poland to remain a blog rather than a random magazine. 

If your product/service is relevant to what I write about and post on social media, I will consider your proposal.

When it comes to travel destinations etc., I don’t write about places I haven’t visited. If you’re interested in promoting a new location, we could discuss a media visit option.

All sponsored posts will be marked as such and include a disclosure. I don’t offer sponsored posts to companies affiliated with gambling, drugs, or random products totally irrelevant to my content.

Finally, if you’re attempting to buy cheap links for your mass link-building operation, please save us both time and don’t email me about it.


Get in touch

If you’re interested in cooperating with Finding Poland, drop me an email:
